I feel the same way as you do Larry, about a lot of what you've said. You put it so well--
"I felt like I had the world in my hands
then the walls came tumbling down" -- pretty sure most of us have felt that way along our journey with Christ. At first I absolutely hated 'the walls tumbling down' and had no qualms letting HIM, and anyone else, know how much I hated it. Most people listened to my complaining for a bit, and then left me-- but HE never did.
Thanks and Praise be to HIM for never leaving me nor forsaking me!I believe you are soooo right about 'the government' and 'its' policies, etc.
Perhaps that's why GOD tells us to pray for our leaders,
but I also believe we have our part to do as well. Voting is one thing most of us can do concerning 'the government', which supposedly we are (were) a big part of. Yes, 'politicians' in my mind, are not 'public servants' anymore-- 'politics' is seemingly a career choice for many, with, again seemingly, no thought of 'serving the public'.
GOD has gifted each of us with
something we can do. I've come to the conclusion that we can use that Gift to make things better, or we can
not use It, and make things worse-- by not using HIS Gift to us we simply allow things to get worse. One of the Gifts HE has given me is my personality, which HE has shown me recently is an obsessive compulsive personality, (not OCD) a big part of which is that I see things in black and white-- no gray areas-- if something is wrong, it is
WRONG! and I feel I
must do something about it. Trying to do that in my own ways and strengths was leaving me totally frustrated and alone. I've learned to seek HIS Kingdom and HIS Righteousness in dealing with all those wrong things. One of the ways HE's given me to deal with it all, besides voting, is to simply
SPEAK UP! If no one speaks up against wrong things, the wrong things tend to grow--but, many times,
if just one person speaks up, others will too, and soon that one small voice becomes a loud chorus of righteous anger that the world cannot ignore. Forums like this are just one place where we can speak up, but HE gives us plenty of other times and places to do so as well. I've taken advantage of those opportunities, and have done my best to speak any Truth I believe HE has given me to say, and leave it and the hearers in HIS Hands.
Yea verily, trials & tribulations-- not much fun, eh? But I've gotten much better at dealing with them--
with Jesus.
Later and God bless